Core Wellness Centre Covid-19 Measures & Policy

Please read the following important information regarding Covid-19:

At this time, Core Wellness Centre, chiropractor Toronto, will remain Open. We are closely monitoring the situation and are committed to mitigating exposure to and transmission of this novel infection.

In an effort to protect our community, we will be asking you for your cooperation as we take the following precautions:

1)  Please DO NOT visit the clinic if you:

  • Are sick with upper respiratory symptoms, including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing and/or a fever.  Please stay at home, self-isolate, drink fluids and rest. We will be very happy to see you when you return to health.
  • Are self-monitoring after a potential exposure.
  • Have travelled internationally in the past 14 days.

If you have any questions about whether you should reschedule your appointment because of illness or recent travel, please contact our office and we will help guide you.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as trouble breathing, please go to your closest emergency room immediately.

2)  We will be asking all patients a series of screening questions related to recent illnesses. If you do visit the chiropractic Toronto clinic with symptoms of an illness, you will be asked to return home or receive medical attention.

3) Additional steps that we will be taking in order to lower the risk of infection include: disinfecting surfaces more frequently including tables, doorknobs, chairs and other surfaces; making more bottles of hand sanitizer available for all patients upon entering and leaving the clinic.

More Information

For any of you who would like more information about the Coronavirus, I encourage you to visit Toronto Public Health.

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you at the Physiotherapy and Chiropractic office!


Dr. Kris Dorken and The Core Wellness Centre Team

Core Wellness Centre

Toronto Chiropractors, Physiotherapists and RMT
Office: 416 479 8311
Fax: 416 479 8312

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