Welcome to the New Patient Center for Core Wellness Centre, Toronto


We understand a first visit to a chiropractic office can have a number of unknowns for you so we’ve created this special area of the site just for you. We want to make you feel comfortable during your first visit with us by letting you know in advance what to expect.

In this area of the website, you can take care of preparing for your chiropractic visit prior to arriving in the clinic, all in the comfort of your own home. If you have any questions at any time, please call our chiropractic office in Toronto at (416) 479-8311.


New Chiropractic Patient Forms

Core Wellness Centre offers you new patient forms online, so you can fill them out in the convenience and comfort of your own home or office.

This lets us know the history and current state of your health. What questions, concerns, goals, regarding wellness can we help you with? Let us know!

You’ll Save Yourself Time by Printing and Completing these forms before you arrive.

Please Click Here to Access the New Patient Form

If you need the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader Click Here.

Please bring your completed form to your appointment.

If you have any questions please call us at 416-479-8311

We look forward to seeing and serving you soon.

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